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» Peruvian Amazon 2011 - Day 16
My last day. Belen Market. The hunt for the Bushmaster. Iquitos Zoo.
Sunday morning on the streets of Iquitos.
Interesting older architecture.
Interesting older architecture.
Architectural details.
Looking out from the river walk.
River walk
Plaza de Armas, from Ari's
They look delicious but I will stick to just coffee.
Police in riot gear line up for the flag ceremony.
Another branch of the military.
Here comes the army.
Heading down to the Belen Market.
Fruit vendors at the Belen Market.
Belen Market
Belen Market
Belen Market
Skip in the Belen Market
Belen Market
Lining up for clothing
Tub of turtles
Another tub of turtles -
Sloth on top of a monkey cage
Basket of Plecostomus. How does one cook these?
Back out of the market.
Stopping for gas on our way to see the Bushmaster.
The Bushmaster compound.
Palm fruit.
Building full of pit vipers.
"Uh, we don't want to shoot the Bushmaster here."
Sweater boxes full of Fer de Lance.
Roof details
There's a
in there....
Lachesis muta muta
Lachesis muta muta
Note the small eye!
Back in its box.
Visiting the zoo on the outskirts of Iquitos.
The Legend of the Motelo Mama (Mother Yellowfoot)
Caiman Lizard,
Dracaena guianensis
Freshwater Dolphin
Yellow-spotted River Turtle,
Podocnemis unifilis
Green Anaconda,
Eunectes murinus
Green Anaconda,
Eunectes murinus
White-Fronted Capuchin Monkey
Yellow-spotted River Turtle,
Podocnemis unifilis
Yellow-spotted River Turtle,
Podocnemis unifilis
Yellow-spotted River Turtle,
Podocnemis unifilis
Mesentina Sister,
Adelpha mesentina
Mesentina Sister,
Adelpha mesentina
Scarlet Macaw
Scarlet, Blue & Gold Macaw
Lunch at Ari's - last photo of the trip!
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| Last update:
3/13/13 11:16 AM
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