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» Peruvian Amazon 2011 - Day 3
Our first full day at Madre Selva. Day hikes, night hikes, photo sessions and pleasant surprises in plastic bags....
Iridescent Tiger,
Hypocrita sp.
Skip, Elizabeth and Denny. These two girls brought us quite a few specimens.
The gang at the dining hut.
The photo lab.
The little creek next to the compound - too low for the
Bromeliads, Madre Selva
Bromeliads, Madre Selva
Amazon Bark Anole,
Anolis ortonii
Mauritius (Moriche) Palm
Close-up of Mauritius Palm Fruit
Individual palm fruit
Doug and Edwin inspect the Dart Frog Tree
Edwin and I peer into the Dart Frog Tree. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Bromeliads in the Dart Frog Tree
Dendrobates ventrimaculatus
complex in the Dart Frog Tree
Dendrobates ventrimaculatus
complex in the Dart Frog Tree
Emerson and Cesar checking out the Dart Frog Tree
Western Twist-necked Turtle,
Platemys platycephala melanonota
Western Twist-necked Turtle,
Platemys platycephala melanonota
Western Twist-necked Turtle,
Platemys platycephala melanonota
Western Twist-necked Turtle,
Platemys platycephala melanonota
Western Twist-necked Turtle,
Platemys platycephala melanonota
Western Twist-necked Turtle,
Platemys platycephala melanonota
Western Twist-necked Turtle,
Platemys platycephala melanonota
Starry Night Cracker
Hamadryas laodamia
Bromeliads in the Dart Frog Tree
Dendrobates ventrimaculatus
complex in the Dart Frog Tree
Dendrobates ventrimaculatus
complex in the Dart Frog Tree
Dendrobates ventrimaculatus
complex in the Dart Frog Tree
Dendrobates ventrimaculatus
complex in the Dart Frog Tree
Steps up the hill, Madre Selva
Dick shooting the Twist-neck Turtle
Spiny Moth Caterpillar,
Automeris sp.
Spiny Moth Caterpillar,
Automeris sp.
Spiny Moth Caterpillar,
Automeris sp.
(Saturniidae) with friend on the end of a stick
Spiny Moth Caterpillar,
Automeris sp.
White-lined Monkey Frog
Phyllomedusa vaillanti
White-lined Monkey Frog
Phyllomedusa vaillanti
White-lined Monkey Frog
Phyllomedusa vaillanti
White-lined Monkey Frog
Phyllomedusa vaillanti
White-lined Monkey Frog
Phyllomedusa vaillanti
White-lined Monkey Frog
Phyllomedusa vaillanti
White-lined Monkey Frog
Phyllomedusa vaillanti
White-lined Monkey Frog
Phyllomedusa vaillanti
Painted Ant Nest Frog,
Lithodytes lineatus
Painted Ant Nest Frog,
Lithodytes lineatus
Painted Ant Nest Frog,
Lithodytes lineatus
Pale-striped Poison Frog,
Epipedobates hahneli
Pale-striped Poison Frog,
Epipedobates hahneli
Pale-striped Poison Frog,
Epipedobates hahneli
Ornate Bromeliad Frog,
Osteocephalus fuscifacies
Ornate Bromeliad Frog,
Osteocephalus fuscifacies
Ornate Bromeliad Frog,
Osteocephalus fuscifacies
Ornate Bromeliad Frog,
Osteocephalus fuscifacies
Dang! Ornate Bromeliad Frog,
Osteocephalus fuscifacies
White-striped Eyed Lizard,
Prionodactylus oshaughnessyi
White-striped Eyed Lizard,
Prionodactylus oshaughnessyi
Iconic Frog Image (tm)
Gerald and Doug in the photo lab
Pale-striped Poison Frog,
Epipedobates hahneli
Bassler's Sheep Frog,
Chiasmocleis bassleri
Bassler's Sheep Frog,
Chiasmocleis bassleri
Bassler's Sheep Frog,
Chiasmocleis bassleri
Convict Treefrog,
Hyla calcarifer
Convict Treefrog,
Hyla calcarifer
Green-banded Urania Moth,
Urania leilus
Green-banded Urania Moth,
Urania leilus
Jordan's Sister,
Adelpha jordani
Dryas julia
Gladiator Treefrog,
Hyla boans
Gladiator Treefrog,
Hyla boans
Gladiator Treefrog,
Hyla boans
Hyla boans
. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Doug takes a shot
Taking shots in the photo lab. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Three-striped Poison Frog,
Epipedobates trivittatus
Three-striped Poison Frog,
Epipedobates trivittatus
Three-striped Poison Frog,
Epipedobates trivittatus
Three-striped Poison Frog,
Epipedobates trivittatus
Crested Forest Toad,
Bufo margaritifer
Crested Forest Toad,
Bufo margaritifer
Amazon Harlequin Toad (Ranita pintada),
Atelopus spumarius
Amazon Harlequin Toad (Ranita pintada),
Atelopus spumarius
Amazon Harlequin Toad (Ranita pintada),
Atelopus spumarius
Amazon Harlequin Toad (Ranita pintada),
Atelopus spumarius
Forest Flatworm
Harlequin Beetle
Red Vine Snake,
Siphlophus compressus
Red Vine Snake,
Siphlophus compressus
Red Vine Snake,
Siphlophus compressus
Red Vine Snake,
Siphlophus compressus
Turnip-tailed Gecko,
Thecadactylus rapicaudus
Turnip-tailed Gecko,
Thecadactylus rapicaudus
Lorrie inspects a bag of who-knows-what
Ornate Snail-eating Snake,
Dipsas catesbyi
Ornate Snail-eating Snake,
Dipsas catesbyi
Ornate Snail-eating Snake,
Dipsas catesbyi
Unidentified moth, Noctuidae
Spider in the photo lab
Red Vine Snake,
Siphlophus compressus
Red Vine Snake,
Siphlophus compressus
Red Vine Snake,
Siphlophus compressus
Me with Red Vine Snake (always wanted to see one of these!)
Black-spotted Skink,
Mabuya nigropunctata
Black-spotted Skink,
Mabuya nigropunctata
Turnip-tailed Gecko,
Thecadactylus rapicaudus
Amazon Forest Dragon,
Enyalioides laticeps
Amazon Forest Dragon,
Enyalioides laticeps
Amazon Forest Dragon,
Enyalioides laticeps
Cocha Whiptail,
Kentropyx altamazonica
Cocha Whiptail,
Kentropyx altamazonica
Cocha Whiptail,
Kentropyx altamazonica
Three little trader girls
Lorrie wheeling and dealing
Lorrie wheeling and dealing
The gang's all here!
Karl is happy, we have more things to photograph!
Cute kid!
The girls have their tshirts and I'm giving them some candy. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Red legs on unidentified frog (
Uakari Poison Frog,
Dendrobates uakarii
Uakari Poison Frog,
Dendrobates uakarii
Uakari Poison Frog,
Dendrobates uakarii
Polka Dot Frog,
Hyla punctata punctata
Polka Dot Frog,
Hyla punctata punctata
Polka Dot Frog,
Hyla punctata punctata
Phoneutria fera
on palm frond over the trail...
Phoneutria fera
, the baddest of the badass Amazon spiders.
Ginormous Katydid
Phoneutria fera
in situ
Awesome spider,
in situ
Camel-backed Orthopteran
Giant Broad-headed Treefrog,
Osteocephalus taurinus
Giant Broad-headed Treefrog,
Osteocephalus taurinus
Giant Broad-headed Treefrog,
Osteocephalus taurinus
-like Fishing Spider
Spider on leaf
Sleeping Heliconiid
Fungus-tailed Leafhopper
Sleepy Bee
Phoneutria fera
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| Last update:
3/13/13 10:25 AM
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