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» Peruvian Amazon 2011 - Day 8
Early morning birding. Coral snakes and kayaks. Treefrog stumps and tinamou.
Madre Selva, early morning after a rain
Rainbow over the river
The boat house at the mouth of the creek
Double Rainbow - lucky!
Early morning birding by boat
Early morning birding by boat
Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
River bank, Rio Orosa
Village ducks
Black-tailed Trogon
Heading up Frog Creek
Tracking down a Jacamar. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Water hyacinth along Frog Creek
Jacamar in the foliage somewhere around 11 o'clock...
Low bridge! Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Tree roots along Frog Creek
First cuppa joe. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Swinging Bachelor Pad. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Our swingin' bachelor pad
My bunk
New tambo under construction
Coming soon - Madre Selva Tambo-miniums!
Aquatic Coral Snake,
Micrurus surinamensis surinamensis
Aquatic Coral Snake,
Micrurus surinamensis surinamensis
Aquatic Coral Snake,
Micrurus surinamensis surinamensis
Aquatic Coral Snake,
Micrurus surinamensis surinamensis
Aquatic Coral Snake,
Micrurus surinamensis surinamensis
Aquatic Coral Snake,
Micrurus surinamensis surinamensis
Aquatic Coral Snake,
Micrurus surinamensis surinamensis
Karl and Doug shoot the
Shooting a
naca naca
(Aquatic Coral Snake). Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Shooting a
naca naca
(Aquatic Coral Snake). Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Juvenile Fer de Lance,
Bothrops atrox
Juvenile Fer de Lance,
Bothrops atrox
Juvenile Fer de Lance,
Bothrops atrox
Skip with Fer de Lance
Juvenile Fer de Lance,
Bothrops atrox
There he is!
Where's Ferdy?
Checking out a Fer de Lance. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Karl shooting the Fer de Lance.
Unidentified caterpillar
Cateye Snake,
Leptodeira annulata annulata
'Sapo Pintada' - Painted Forest Toadlet,
Physalaemus petersi
'Sapo Pintada' - Painted Forest Toadlet,
Physalaemus petersi
'Sapo Pintada' - Painted Forest Toadlet,
Physalaemus petersi
Coral Mud Snake,
Hydrops triangulum bassleri
Coral Mud Snake,
Hydrops triangulum bassleri
Coral Mud Snake,
Hydrops triangulum bassleri
Sweaty day in the photo lab. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Blunt-headed Tree Snake,
Imantodes cenchoa
Blunt-headed Tree Snake,
Imantodes cenchoa
Golden-eyed Milk Treefrog,
Trachycephalus venulosa
Golden-eyed Milk Treefrog,
Trachycephalus venulosa
Golden-eyed Milk Treefrog,
Trachycephalus venulosa
Blunt-headed Tree Snake,
Imantodes cenchoa
Blunt-headed Tree Snake,
Imantodes cenchoa
Blunt-headed Tree Snake,
Imantodes cenchoa
Butler's Ringlet,
Cissia terrestris
Blunt-headed Tree Snake,
Imantodes cenchoa
Blunt-headed Tree Snake,
Imantodes cenchoa
Blunt-headed Tree Snake,
Imantodes cenchoa
Rocket Treefrog,
Hyla lanciformis
Rocket Treefrog,
Hyla lanciformis
Lap-strake construction details on longboat
Doug and Cesar on the boat bridge
This boat is flipping awesome. I want one.
Lap strake details - hammer 'em in and bend 'em over!
I've got sunscreen, I ain't skeered.
Kayaking on the little creek
Madre Selva from a kayak POV
Hey Doug!
Riparian entertainment. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Hey kids!
Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Madre Selva signage along the river
Out on the Rio Orosa
Exploring a small creek
Back out to the main river
Up a creek with two paddles. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Hi kids!
Unidentified flower overhanging the river.
Riparian foliage.
Doug, chillin'
Upstream from Madre Selva
Gone fishin'
Family along the river
Where I live no kid would do this without a life jacket, helmet, training wheels, sunscreen, GPS, medical alert bracelet, snack in case he gets hungry and a GameBoy for when he gets bored…
Buenos tardes muchacha!
Cecropia leaves overhanging the river
Spot where some lads were tossing figs at us from the bushes...
Our skiff (beer run?)
heading back to camp.
I hope we get our deposit back.
That boat is cool.
Back to the dock. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Getting out should be fun.... Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
I wanted to take this boat home with me. Photo courtesy of Doug Kranich.
Unidentified weevil.
Evil weevil
Forest flatworm
Unidentified skipper, snoozing
Female Amazon Green Anole,
Anolis transversalis
Female Amazon Green Anole,
Anolis transversalis
Frog in bromeliad, possibly a Bromeliad Frog
Phoenutria fera
Phoenutria fera
Phoenutria fera
Peruvian Giant Tarantula,
Pamphobeteus cf antinous
Peruvian Giant Tarantula,
Pamphobeteus cf antinous
Cricket shedding its epidermis
Common Forest Anole,
Anolis trachyderma
Little Tinamou,
Crypturellus soui
Little Tinamou,
Crypturellus soui
Little Tinamou,
Crypturellus soui
Tail-less Whip Scorpion
Doug checks out the canopy
Unidentified weaver of orbs
with fronds like these....
Tadpoles in a root puddle - possibly
Bufo margaritiferus
Amazon Milk Frog,
Trachycephalus resinofictrix
. Dick knocked the stump and this frog poked out the top!
Amazon Milk Frog,
Trachycephalus resinofictrix
Amazon Milk Frog,
Trachycephalus resinofictrix
Enyalioides laticeps
Enyalioides laticeps
Bromeliad Treefrog,
Osteocephalus deridens
Bromeliad Treefrog,
Osteocephalus deridens
Bromeliad Treefrog,
Osteocephalus deridens
Bromeliad Treefrog,
Osteocephalus deridens
Unidentified spider (Micrathenid?) with a smiley face on his caboose.
Unidentified tarantula scuttling into its hidey-hole
Unidentified tarantula.
Unidentified horned caterpillar.
Unidentified horned caterpillar.
Not a moth! This is a Planthopper,
Mysidia sp.
'Ranita pintada', the Harlequin Toad,
Atelopus spumarius
at night
'Ranita pintada', the Harlequin Toad,
Atelopus spumarius
at night
Map Treefrog,
Hyla geographica
Map Treefrog,
Hyla geographica
Map Treefrog,
Hyla geographica
Common Forest Anole,
Anolis trachyderma
What is that? Is that a claw? Did you hear that? What was that? RUN Scooby!
Odd unidentified arachnid
Unidentified Glasswing
Osteocephalus sp,
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| Last update:
3/13/13 10:53 AM
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