Herpetofauna - One Life's List

Weller's Salamander
Plethodon welleri

Unicoi Co., Tennessee. April 24, 2006


"...back on the road and up, up, up I went, then the road leveled off near the mountain tops. I pulled over where a branch of the Appalachian Trail crossed the road, and getting out I spotted several small pieces of plywood under a stand of hemlock. Under the first piece was something small, glittery and new - I slapped down and managed to close my hand around it. I carried it back to the road and opened my hand - Plethodon welleri, Weller's Salamander! "

"...now I had two new species to shoot under the open hatch. The little Weller's was full of eggs, and she waddled around like a four-legged sausage link. The dorsal colors on this salamander were stunning - black flecks and streaks on a gold background."

Day Four, The Great Salamander Swing


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